Introducing SignalCab - a completely new comprehensive program for controlling your MERG CBUS/DCC layout from a PC/mobile.

Developed by MERG members (Beta Testers wanted - Click here)

Beta Testers - Ideal requirements
A layout or test track that is up and running
A recent fairly powerful PC preferably with Windows 10/11 (but Win 7 should be OK)
A CBUS network with a CANUSB4 (or equivalent)
Some points controlled by servos – using CANMIOs or Solenoids using CANSOLs
A CANCMD and at least 2 DCC Locos (preferably one with sound)
Some TOTIs for train detection and automation
An Android smartphone or tablet.
Report back to us with progress and comments (good or bad !)
Send occasional copies of your SignalCabData folder. Nothing personal is ever involved.
Optionally, for support with problems, allowing a remote connection to your PC by Internet (TeamViewer)
Most importantly - the time and interest to play with SignalCab – making it control more and more of your layout)